Our Mission

We are a community of practicing MBSR teachers committed to sharing the benefits of MBSR with each other, with the general public, as well as with a variety of specific populations.

We provide mutual encouragement and feedback to each other as well as a forum for the ongoing learning of our craft.

Together we form a network of support and continuous growth as a group of diverse teachers, including the mentoring of new teachers.

We practice, share and uphold the 8-week MBSR cycle as pioneered by Jon Kabat-Zinn and originally developed with the teams of the Center for Mindfulness of UMass , and now carried forward by the Global Mindfulness Collaborative, including the Mindfulness Center at Brown.

We are bonded by a common dedication to daily mindfulness meditation practices, as well as a shared quest for authenticity in our lives and in our teaching.

Community Ethos

The Collaborative began in 2009 as a group of dedicated teachers wishing for an opportunity to deepen our own practice and further develop our teaching ability. We do this through peer supervision, presentations, discussions, participation in a Google Group, consultations, and co-teaching. We are not just studying the MBSR curriculum; we are working toward embodying mindfulness.

It’s all practice—how we relate to each other, creating the sense of safety that allows us to admit what we don’t know and ask for help; meeting those requests with generosity. We give our time, our commitment, and our friendship. We feel privileged to be teaching this work, and take seriously our responsibility to pass along what we’ve learned with gratitude for the teachings and respect for our participants. This process is ongoing, intimate and essential to us as teachers.

How We Connect

  • A monthly gathering of teachers by invitation.

  • A Google Group for ongoing mutual support and sharing of experience and resources.

  • In-depth study of the various segments of the 8-week MBSR cycle.

  • Regular workshops on specific topics with teachers from our Collaborative as well as guest teachers.

  • An ever-growing network of friendship and informal support.