MBSR Research
Research Unit of the Mindfulness Center of Brown University
The Research Unit of the Mindfulness Center is dedicated to performing high quality, methodologically rigorous research to investigate the impacts of mindfulness on health, and the underlying mechanisms. Find out more here.
American Mindfulness Research Association
For a comprehensive updated listing of academic and scientific articles on mindfulness-based approaches please consult the The American Mindfulness Research Association (AMRA) which was founded in 2013. Their mission is to support empirical and conceptual efforts to:
(1) establish an evidence base for the process, practice, and construct of mindfulness;
(2) promote best evidence-based standards for the use of mindfulness research and its applications; and
(3) facilitate discovery and professional development through grant giving.
They have an extensive library of published research, reivews and meta-analysis, namely in the following areas:
Biological Effects
Clinical Disorders
Eating and Obesity
Intervention Adherence and Fidelity
Mental Health
Pediatric Health
Substance Use and Addiction
Work Health